Sermon Archives

Sermon Archives

Some of our sermon audio is located on this page.  For a complete listing of our sermons, along with the accompanying video, please click here for our YouTube page that is consistently updated.

Displaying 226 - 250 of 277

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/20/19 Truth & Emotion in the Life of a Christian Brian Gibson Gospel Meeting 2019 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Truth__emotion_in_the_life_of_a_Christian_20.Oct.19_Bryan_Gibson.mp3
10/13/19 Why You Should Become a Christian John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Why_you_should_become_a_Christian_13.Oct.19_John_Evans.mp3
10/13/19 Some Things You Just Can't Take Back John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM Some_things_you_just_cant_take_back_13.Oct.19_John_Evans.mp3
10/06/19 Where Are My Affections John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Where_are_my_affections_6.Oct.19_John_Evans.mp3
10/06/19 Sad Words in the Bible John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM Sad_words_in_the_Bible_6.Oct.19_John_Evans_.mp3
09/29/19 Give Us A King John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Give_us_a_King_29Sep19_AM_John_Evans.mp3
09/22/19 The Matchless Blessings of Prayer John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM The_matchless_blessings_of_prayer_22Sep19_PM_John_Evans.mp3
09/22/19 The Sins of A Successful Businessman John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM The_sins_of_a_successful_businessman_22Sep19_AM_John_Evans.mp3
09/15/19 Who Can Be Saved? John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Who_can_be_saved_15Sep19_AM_John_Evans.mp3
09/15/19 So Close and Yet So Far John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM So_close_and_yet_so_far_15Sep19_PM.mp3
09/08/19 An Expository Lesson on Psalm 121 John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM An_expository_lesson_on_Psalm_121_8Sep19_PM_John_Evans.mp3
09/08/19 Letting Go of Things Less Important John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Letting_go_of_things_less_important_8Sep10_AM_John_Evans.mp3
09/01/19 Ananias, An Unsung Bible Hero John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Ananias_an_unsung_Bible_hero_1Sep19_AM_John_Evans.mp3
09/01/19 An Expository Lesson on James 3 John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM An_expository_Lesson_on_James_3_1Sep19_PM_John_Evans.mp3
08/25/19 Is the Church of Christ a Denomination? John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Is_The_Church_of_Christ_a_Demonination_John_Evans_25Aug2019.mp3
08/25/19 Spiritual Service of Worship John Roach Sermon N/A Sun PM Spiritual_Service_of_Worship_John_Roache_25Aug2019.mp3
08/18/19 Abigail's Example John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Abigals_Example_John_Evans_18Aug2019.mp3
08/18/19 Preparing for Persecution John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM Preparing_for_Persecution_18Aug2019.mp3
08/11/19 Have You Counted the Cost? John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Have_you_Counted_the_Cost_John_Evans_11Aug2019.mp3
08/11/19 A Man After God's Own Heart John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM A_Man_after_Gods_on_Heart_John_Evans_11Aug2019.mp3
08/04/19 What Does the Lord Require of Us? John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Does_the_Lord_Require_of_Us_John_Evans_4AUG2019.mp3
08/04/19 Distinction Between Individual Responsibility and the Work of the Church John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM Distinction_Between_Individual_Responsibility_and_the_Work_of_the_Church_John_Evans_11Aug2019_.mp3
07/28/19 That's Your Interpretation! Matt Perez Sermon N/A Sun PM Thats_Your_Interpretation_Matt_Perez_28Jul19.mp3
07/21/19 Give Thanks John Evans Sermon N/A Sun AM Give_Thanks_John_Evans_21Jul2019AM.mp3
07/21/19 Justifying Self John Evans Sermon N/A Sun PM Justifying_Self_John_Evans_21Jul2019PM.mp3

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